9 Domains of Social and Emotional Wellbeing

And 6 aspects that have compounding effects on them

Nilay Shrivastava
3 min readJan 28, 2024

How do you get to know your physical wellbeing?

Suppose your circulatory system, nervous system, endocrine system, immune system, skeletal system, and muscular system all work fine. You don’t have a fever, cough, cold, or loose motion.

But how do you assess your mental health?

I recently came across [this](https://psychology.org.au/about-us/news-and-media/media-releases/2024/support-indigenous-torres-strait-islanders-psych) article about The wellbeing wheel, also known as the Social and emotional wellbeing framework (SEWB). The nine domains of the SEWB wheel indicate the importance and impact of the connectedness of these domains. Just the 6 systems of physical body are interconnected, similarly these 9 domains are heavily interdependent and are conencted.

Here are the 9 domains of the SEWB framework.

  1. Emotional Wellbeing
  2. Social Wellbeing
  3. Spiritual Wellbeing
  4. Physical Wellbeing
  5. Cultural Wellbeing
  6. Intellectual Wellbeing
  7. Occupational Wellbeing
  8. Environmental Wellbeing
  9. Financial Wellbeing

All these areas are interconnected, and an imbalance in one domain can affect others. The goal is to achieve balance and harmony across these dimensions to promote overall wellbeing.

All right, so this seems logical. But in your day-to-day life, how do you achieve this harmony among these 9 domains?

Exercise and Eat right
First things first. Your gut health directly impacts how you feel from the inside. Your fitness is directly proportional to your self-worth and self-esteem.
So if you aren’t eating right and aren’t working out/moving your body, you are not producing some of the key hormones like Adrenaline, Norepinephrine, Endorphins, etc.

Healthy relationships

Pay special attention to your relationships. You can always walk out of relationships that aren’t healthy, and you are spending more time recovering from the stress caused by the relationships rather than actually spending time with the people themselves. Following are the attributes of unhealthy relationships, and you must walk out of them before getting entangled.

  • Lack of communication
  • Isolation
  • Manipulation
  • Blame game
  • Constant criticism
  • Lack of respect
  • Unequal power dynamics

Life long education

Be a student for life. Only an open and flexible mind is capable of learning. When you stop learning, you actually stop growing.

Financial Wisdom

Money buys you the freedom. It has a significant impact on your life. When you shift your focus from earning that is solely dependent on the time you are spending to the value you are adding, you become essential.

Get your financial planning done. All the goals are aligned with your financial discipline and position. Whenever I feel lost, I immediately scan through my financial goals and balance sheet. It quickly brings back my focus.

Consume good content

Don’t mindlessly browse through the LinkedIn, Instagram, or Facebook feeds. Consume content that aligns with and fulfills the growth. It should expand your thought process, not just give you temporary pleasure.

Enhance your consciousness

Everything in life has one fundamental aspect — your consciousness. Your life depends on your consciousness of thoughts, emotions, thought patterns, attention, information processing , mental schemas, listening, and other cognitive functions and life energies.

That’s it. If you do all the above daily, I am sure your overall wellbeing will improve.



Nilay Shrivastava

I am an Offering Manager by profession and a student of psychology by passion. I write about life lessons and self-development to enhance the quality of life.